Sunday, November 16, 2008


There are a lot of birthdays these days. First it was my cousin's birthday and the next day was a friend's 21st. This past Thursday, I didn't get home til around 1 in the morning because of the friend's birthday bash. He wanted to go to a bar and then a club and things didn't get started until 10pm. I left early.

Since I chose to go straight from school instead of commuting back home, I had quite some time to kill. I found myself wandering a Barnes & Noble, perusing four floors of books. For such a bad economy and all the doom and gloom surrounding the publishing industry, it was nice to see the bookstore packed. People had a hard time finding seats, especially since you're not supposed to sit in the aisles, blocking the shelves. I flipped through one of Tess Gerritsen's newest books and wandered through the YA section with all the books from Stephenie Meyer, Lauren Myracle, Melissa Marr, Sarah Dessen, etc. etc. I believe the staff picks featured Lauren Myracle's Bliss, Meyer's Twilight series (naturally), Judy Blundell's What I Saw And How I Lied, and of course, Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games. I can't wait for the next book from Collins. The Hunger Games rocked my socks off.

There was an event going on around 7pm with Paul Simon though so that definitely helped pulled in a larger crowd.

After that, I met up with a friend for Korean food and Pinkberry (the newest oh so pink Pomegranate flavor! With pomegranate toppings! Chockful of antioxidants! Except I really can't taste the difference between it and the original.). And visited Sephora for more perfume and make-up goodness - we're addicts.

Finally, FINALLY, we met up with a bunch of people for the birthday events. Birthday boy danced his butt off and got all scandalous and we just plied each other with drinks.


Is this not the saddest yet funniest thing ever? :(


  1. i think the b&n was bustling because it's a bad economy...c'mon free (up to date) books, free place to sit...sometimes free coffee, no one to shhh!! your mind to insanity

    i<3b&n it's my favorite hang out spot when i'm too broke for starbucks

  2. That comic makes me want to go "aww".

    I love B&N. It just shows how people turn to books for solace in times of hardship. (:

  3. Happy birthday to your friends! <3

    I love hanging out an B&N. I haven't read Hunger Games, but I'll take a look at it next time I'm there.

    I did, however, recently buy Salvation in Death by JD Robb/Nora Roberts. I'm currently reading that.

    What's Pinkberry? lol. Sounds like pink lemonade to me. xD

    I love! this, this, and this are currently my favorites. xD

  4. Hi! Happy birthday to your friend & cousin! I've only tried Pinkberry once (when I was in LA) because where I live (Northeast, USA) they don't have Pinkberry:(

    Anyway, I am SO addicted to Sephora too. I love that place!! Anywho...great, great, great, great new chapter (Through Me). Tristan and Adel are SO adorable together - I wish I had a cute boyfriend like Tristan (and a funny friend like Will)!

    Can't wait till the next chapter:)


  5. I love B&N. Anywhere with shelves and beautifully organized displays of new books make me giddy.

    xkcd and explosm are my favorite comic sites to procrastinate on thus far. :)

    Sephora makes my wallet weep. A few months ago, I would check the site religiously all the time just to check out the samples they have.

    Pinkberry is ridiculously expensive, but it can be so addictive - especially with the "secret" mochi topping. Pinkberry is a frozen yogurt chain that serves three flavors (Original, Green Tea, and Pomegranate) with toppings like fresh fruit or granola bits, etc.
